About Us

We strive to help people in need.

It is our belief that no one should ever be hungry. Kasih Project is a registered national charity raising funds to deliver food packages, meals and support services to those in our community left behind during the global pandemic. Founded on principles of universal love and care for our neighbours, we are helping hundreds of people each week in a grass roots effort to ensure no-one goes hungry.

Kasih Project that provides direct support to international students, asylum seekers, and others at risk of food insecurity, and who do not have access to government support. All support is provided on a non-discriminatory basis.

We are currently providing deliveries of basic foodstuffs (rice, eggs, oil, etc.) and prepared meals to hundreds of people each week.
You can find out more about our activities via our Facebook page or Instagram:

We’ve also had some excellent coverage in The Guardian and other media which provides more information about the people involved and those we’re helping:

Distributed So far

Rice (in Kg)
Egg (in Doz)